Day 19: Something I’m Afraid Of


I don’t consider myself a fearful person. Especially not with physical fears. Needles and falling just tend to be the exception to that. You may recall my post a couple months ago about my adventures with the local Plasma Donation center. If you don’t, here’s a link. In said post, it explains one of my biggest physical fears. Most of my fears are more internalized and personal. They’re also harder to draw, so I’ll just talk about it instead. Feeling small is a funny fear of mine. I’m not a small person. I’m about average height and size and there’s nothing very small about my personality or dress choices either. So it’s almost funny that feeling small is a fear of mine. By “feeling small” I mean feeling like my needs aren’t important enough to be met, or like other people overshadow me into oblivion. I’m also afraid of other people seeing me as weak. It sounds really silly, but I kind of blame it on being the oldest of 6 kids. It sounds really silly, and I don’t know how not to make it sound that way, but I think something about being an older sibling gave me this idea that I have to be the strongest sibling too. That I had to be the one who wouldn’t break down under pressure. This didn’t always work quite right for me, but I like to think that overall it went pretty well.