Disney College Program Week 2

I was planning on posting this Sunday night, but then I was kind of occupied for like 5-6 hours and then it was bedtime, and the same thing kind of happened last night. Tonight, though, is the night to post this.

Working at Disney World has really opened my eyes (and ears) a lot. There are many tricks I’ve observed in the Costume rooms that simplify costume structures and make them lighter for the performers, as well as sturdier. (Tricks I do plan in incorporating in future projects, yes.) I’ve had the chance to learn about fantastic procedures and products that make life infinitely easier. I’ve also had the chance to wander around the Walt Disney World Parks and get some wonderful pictures, and delicious snacks. This whole experience has been such a blessing for me so far.

The thing I’ve loved the most though, is my fellow cast member’s willingness to talk about career paths with me. I don’t mean like in a formal counselling either, but just casually while we wait for the next task to come to us.

One of my biggest sources of stress in the last year or two, has been trying to figure out what to do as my future career, and what to major in so that I can achieve that career. I’ve changed my mind a bunch and felt a lot of frustration. Part of my issue comes from talking to people around my age. They’re basically in the same spot as me, and if they aren’t they just know what they’re doing. Teachers in most of my schooling career have been little to no help either, since they really are just tasked with getting me to accomplish whatever challenge is set to finish and pass the class. 

My parents have been wonderful supports (as usual) for me in whatever choices I make, and have given me advice. It’s just been pretty vague advice that doesn’t give me a set path. Not that I mind not having that set out for me, I’m not sure I’d be willing to do anything that was preset for my career, to be completely honest.

This past week, I’ve been able to talk to Cast Members who are close to retiring, been with WDW since the beginning, and have had a gazillion other jobs before this one. It’s been really fantastic and uplifting for me to talk to them about my thoughts on careers. I’ve also gotten some advice on where to ask to be placed within my program so I can get a better taste of my options.

By no means have I decided on anything, but I really just feel a lot more peaceful about my lack of decisions.