
Physical contact is such an interesting thing to me. Sometimes I can crave it so much, while on the same day I will shy away from any touch.

I feel like sometimes it can remind me that I’m real, that I’m still breathing, I’m still alive.

I’m not even talking about anything sexual/intimate or romantic whatsoever, but just like someone patting your shoulder or holding your hand. Sometimes even the feeling of someone right next to your can be enough touching.

There’s also legit science backing up the idea that physical contact can help people. Babies who get a lot of holding and touching are generally healthier babies. Same with talking to them. It’s incredible to me how much we need people. Even people like me, who are introverted, can thrive off of the energy and the life force of another living human being.

I think we discount how much people mean to us. I think sometimes we forget how much we enjoy company, especially when we’re having a hard time. But it can really brighten the day.

Gosh, I just really like people sometimes, and I’m never really sure how to respond to that.

Before I hit publish, I feel like an explanation is in order for my super late post. Usually I try to get one out by Monday or Tuesday, and then maybe even a second one around Thursday-Saturday. This week has been a little too hectic for that level of on-top-of-things-ness. Since the semester was ending, there has been a ton of drama with tests and exams and turning in final assignments and all that wonderful stuff. For me personally, I didn’t have a lot of tests to take. I took a test for science, and finished projects for some of my other classes. The really hectic part actually came with the fact that my roommate went home Friday afternoon and won’t be back until fall semester. So her, two of our other friends and me spent basically every minute of free time we had goofing off and hanging out. After my roommate left, I had to clean my part of the apartment. So one of my friends came over and helped me with that, since I helped him clean his apartment the day before.

I’ve also been working on looking for work. I need to figure out some way to pay for the semester, but I’m having trouble finding work places. There are a couple places I’m going to apply to on Monday. I’ve also been in contact with a Mary Kay consultant about joining that company. I have really mixed feelings about it, because for one, I really don’t think I can sell very well. For two, I don’t care for makeup, and feel like it’s not really a necessary part of life. Also, and mostly, to even start, I end up $75 in the red, and I don’t exactly have $75 to put in the red right now, if you know what I mean. Although, I think it would be a fantastic opportunity, I’m not sure it’s really something I could feel like I was excelling in. Hopefully, we’ll see how that all plays out very soon.