A Brief Explanation on my Lack of Decisive Behavior around You

Recently, one of my friends pointed out to me how indecisive I can be. After me having trouble picking what show to watch, what to get for lunch, and what I wanted to do, I think he’s concerned about how I made it this far in life, to be honest.

Which is kind of funny, because I’m generally pretty good at making choices, not only that, but I make good choices too. There are some times where I don’t really have a preference, but I can make choices for myself and it’s not difficult. But then I’ll spend time with certain people and I all of a sudden have no clue how to make decisions.

I was thinking about this last night while I was getting ready for bed. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I have trouble making choices because I don’t care what I do. I realized that this only really happens around certain friends and family members and is a little sporadic, but happens with the same people every time. The only explanation I can come up with to explain this is I’m content.

Sometimes, I am just so content to exist with someone else that it really doesn’t matter to me what we end up doing. We could literally watch paint dry and I would be content. There are people I associate myself with, whether they’re friends or family, that I just like to be around, regardless of what we do together.